Guest Post: Marketing or Fitness, Actually There’s No Difference


Every fitness program should comprise of these three components: building strength, endurance and elasticity, and that equally applies to business. In this story I’m talking about my preferred strategies to minimize the work, yet increase results.


I am a kettle bell lifter myself, and my training program consists of simple exercises: I do the basic three lifts that make me stronger and more enduring at the same time, and support that with dynamic warm up for elasticity and jogging to cool down, which also strengthens my respiratory organs. This system saves me not only time but also energy, which is important, because I also need to maximize the recovery.


I have a similar approach to the business workouts: I’m choosing the ones that contain the greatest effect on all three fields, with the least investment of time or money, and aim to holding those in balance. I also bare in mind all content re purposing opportunities: for example write-ups can be converted to videos, podcasts and email campaigns, coaching calls to articles, blog posts and newsletters, and so forth. So, if you have a business or you’re planning to establish one, I strongly recommend you incorporate the following “workouts” to your marketing plan as well.




The potency of your business generates from customer acquisition and the sales you make. To enjoy them, you organize and join conference calls and online seminars, from which you drive traffic to your highly converting website sales pages, or forms your prospects use to inquire for complimentary consultations. Your email marketing campaigning supports the sales processes.


Without a doubt, one of the most effective power exercises would be joint ventures, because they can drive you extensive traffic with an acceptable amount of effort from you.




Endurance builds through reputation, confidence and acknowledgment of your brand, which require consistency and a long term plan. As a solopreneur, YOU are the brand you’re building, and your job is to clarify and summarize it to your leads. Your objective is to present yourself as an expert and as the natural, or even the only choice for them to invest in your providings. Therefore you must have an unique perspective, style or technique, and you must state it clearly in your promotion and conversations.


The tactics you use to then spread the word and establish your credibility would be social media campaigning, joining events either as a speaker or a participant, producing content that easily goes viral, such as reports, info-graphics and videos, and of course paid advertising. Joint ventures also fall to this category.




Elasticity originates from partnerships. If you have a highly responsive email list and strong, trustworthy partnerships, your possibilities are countless. As you probably acknowledge, this links to both of the other 2 areas, and is really the bedrock of a profitable online business. Not only you prefer to possess this trait for your business, you also want to BE flexible and be a member of mastermind groups and other communities, through which these partnerships originate and develop.


In conclusion, I would suggest you to start with a plan to create a solid track record for yourself, and your brand by showcasing yourself as an expert. With that status you can then develop lucrative connections with other online entrepreneurs to grow your buyer list and sell your products, to develop all the power you need for your business.


If you need more practical advise to build your own online business, request to download my free eBook ”Gold Medal Online Marketing – The Winning Method” from my website (released in September)


Eveliina Koivula is an online marketing expert and Kettlebell Sport World Champion, coaching Winners.  

Guest Post > The Key to Staying Fit: 6 Top Desk Exercises

If you’re like most people in today’s working world, it’s tough to find time to exercise. Between meetings and family time and social events, there never seems to be enough time in the day.


Well, folks – we’re here to change that. The truth is that there are many exercises that can be done at work and while sitting at your desk – and no one even has to know you’re doing them! Here are a few of our favorite top desk exercises to help keep you in shape, even if you don’t have the time.


Take the stairs – Seems simple, right? But with a briefcase, paperwork, and coffee in your hand, the elevator probably looks a lot more tempting. Next time you have the choice between the two, opt for the stairs. You’ll get a short cardio workout in and will strengthen your legs in the process.


Take a walking lunch break – Forget sitting at your desk or grabbing fast food during your lunch hour. Instead, pack a healthy meal from home (think fruits, veggies, and whole grains), and head out for a walk around the neighborhood.


Chair dips – While seated, plant your feet firmly on the floor and place your hands on the armrests of your chair. Scoot up so your bottom is on the edge of your seat, then slowly lift your body off the chair and hold for five seconds. Return to a seated position and repeat five times.


Core strengthener – While sitting on the edge of your chair, stretch your arms out in front of you with your fingers pointing across the room. Focus on keeping your back straight, contract your abdominal muscles, and relax. Repeat five times.


Wing flap – This is one of the few that may look silly to a coworker passing by, so if you’re not comfortable, we’d recommend waiting until you get home. To do this pose, stretch your arms up and back so your hands are floating behind your head. Hold for five seconds, then bring them to the front of your body, hold for five seconds, and repeat.


Curls – While seated at your desk, cross your arms across your chest and focus on making sure your posture is straight. Flex your abdominal muscles and push your shoulders forward toward your hips. Hold the pose for five seconds, and repeat 10 times. Note: This is similar to the cat pose in yoga, but in this case, you’re seated.


Keep these simple exercises in mind next time you think a workout is hard to come by. They’ll have you feeling great in no time flat!


You can find more information and helpful tips on at-desk yoga in this resource guide:


About the Author:
Patty Englebaugh founded in 1993. She has 19
years of experience installing ergonomic office furniture and computer accessories that create healthy work environments in home and corporate offices as well as in the healthcare, education, government, and business sectors. Call her today (Mon-Fri 8-6pm EST) for one-on-one support for your ergonomic needs: (877) 971-0151.

Cycling Then and Now: How the MOTOACTV Makes a Difference

Riding my bike was my favorite pastime when I was younger. There were numerous summer days where I cruised around my neighborhood without a care in the world. I loved lazily circling the neighborhood, or racing my friends. Cycling is still a pleasure, but I was not worried about exercise when I was child. I did not need to calculate my distance because I was not allowed to wander too far past my neighborhood. Bicycling is a key part of how I stay in shape so I am more mindful of my treks than I was as a child. Fortunately, keeping track of my progress is easy with MOTOACTV. I take this little device on all my rides to monitor my distance, speed, and more.

When I was a kid, I used to guess how fast I was going when I pedaled my hardest or went down big hills. Thankfully, I do not have to rely on guesswork anymore. The Motorola fitness tracker records everything I want to know. The GPS system tracks my route and tells me my distance and time. It also monitors my speed, heart rate, and calories burned. This lets me see what I have achieved after every ride and helps me plan better for my next trek. This is only one way MOTOACTV motivates me to do my best.

Technology has changed since I was younger. I could not ride around listening to tunes quite as easily as I can today. The Motorola fitness tracker has a built in MP3 player. I love listening to music and this makes my workout go faster. The tracker is the perfect companion to my workout mixes because it pays attention to which songs motivate me the most. When I hit a lull, the player starts one of my favorite songs to keep me going.

The best thing about this gadget is how convenient it is. The whole device is easy to clip onto my handlebars with the Motorola bike mount. I do not have to worry about where to carry it or fear that it may come loose. This also makes it simple to see my progress and adjust the music.

I will always enjoy bicycling. However, the way I ride is different from when I was young. I still have fun, but I have better tools. I never leave home without the Motorola bike mount or MOTOACTV.

Top 5 Fitness Trends in 2011

Bye-Bye Pyramid

The USDA changed the pyramid to a plate. I’m happy to see fruits and vegetables getting the portions they deserve; however, people are already complaining. And, if you watch The Good Wife, you will know that the cheese stands alone (and doesn’t like it).


It’s So Easy a Caveman…

While the gluten free diet began to lose steam, we saw another interesting diet pop up. This time it’s the Paleo Diet. Yes, that’s Paleo as in Paleolithic, or the way people ate 10,000 years ago, otherwise known as the caveman diet: meat, fish, veggies, fish and nuts. That means no processed foods (they didn’t exist way back then). It’s eating the way we were born to eat… of course if we took that literally we’d be charring our meat over a pit in the backyard. My advice? Don’t go down the path of all the things caveman didn’t have… refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, lighters… it will drive you crazy.


Barefoot and Running

Lady Gaga’s Born this Way could have been 2011’s theme song. Not only did we start eating that way we were born to, we also began running the way we were born to run. That means barefoot, without the support or biomechanical help of shoes. This brings us to the trend of running barefoot or (for those of us who live in cities or simply don’t trust what’s on the ground) minimal shoes, including the weirdest looking shoes of all, the Vibrams. In 2011 sales of minimalist shoes rose about 200 percent. Most surprisingly? No one seemed freaked out by wearing gloves on their feet.


Finally, an Infomercial for a Product that Works

The trend is officially called Crossfit and it involves plyometrics, weight lifting, cardio, yoga and more. Basically you do some of everything. It’s not easy but the effects are undeniable. And the winner in the Crossfit category is P90X. Yes, those late night commercials that motivate few and inspire guilt in many.


Rhythm of the Gym

Zumba is a dance workout whose popularity has skyrocketed. We’re guessing that if it doesn’t feel like exercise more people are willing to try it. Whatever the reason, dancing it off has hit the big time and Zumba is here to stay.

Saucony ProGrid: A Definite Winner

If you want a high quality running shoe, I recommend Saucony. I’ve tried Nike, Reebok, and other major brands. I’ll admit, I used to be 100 percent Nike, but then one day I tried on a pair of Saucony running shoes. I had never even heard of Saucony. But the comfort was unbelievable; not to mention the performance, durability and aesthetically pleasing design. I’ve been hooked ever since, for me, Saucony is decidedly unbeatable.

And my personal favorite style of Saucony? The Saucony ProGrid.

The Saucony ProGrid comes in a variety of styles for men, women and children. The newest addition is the Saucony ProGrid Guide 4. The flexibility of this shoe is amazing. The designs, again, are awesome. I’m convinced that everyone can find a color or style they love. The cushiony insole is fantastic. It provides the needed support for running or walking. The shoe itself is very lightweight and great for training for a marathon or just casual jogging for fun.

Other styles include the Saucony ProGrid Guide TR3 and TR4, ProGrid Mirage, ProGrid Peregrine, ProGrid Kinvara, ProGrid Ride 4, ProGrid Razor and ProGrid Outlaw to name just a few. The Saucony ProGrid line is a good option for serious runners looking for a great training shoe and for the non-serious runners that want a good shoe.

I’ve heard some people complain that Saucony ProGrid running shoes are a bit pricey, but they still beat all other running shoes on the market in comfort and durability. I will not buy any other brand for running or walking ever again. This shoe is superior to every other running shoe I have tried, and I have tried plenty. Twenty-six years of running has led me to the Saucony ProGrid Guide running shoe. While I may not stick with that style forever, I know I will stick with Saucony.

Saucony has invested years in researching athletes to produce the best possible shoes to absorb the impact of running and walking. Their shoes offer support like no other brand, even for those people who need extra arch support or more secure heel padding. The wear and tear of running in improperly designed shoes is not worth saving a few dollars for a mediocre pair of shoes. My feet, back and knees are very important to me. That is why Saucony shoes will always be on my feet anytime I go out to run.

Tips & Tricks for Finding Discount Saucony Running Shoes

You want a great pair of running shoes from a well-known and reputable brand. You also don’t want to pay too much. You may not know it, but you want Saucony running shoes.

Yes, running shoes are expensive. And, with another recession looming over us, spending any money can be scary. But, put it in perspective: running is one of the least expensive exercises there is, and it is possible to find good running shoes at good prices.

Sadly, there is often a stigma to buying discount running shoes. They aren’t the newest version. They aren’t the very best. It’s important to realize that shoe manufacturers need to update their shoes and make new versions to get them reviewed. That means that if a running shoe manufacturer wants to get listed in Runner’s World or someplace else, they must come out with a new version for that particular style. It doesn’t mean that there was anything wrong with the previous version. However, most of the time, the shoe manufacturers do make changes; usually, these are changes that their customers requested.

While price is important, it’s also important to find the exact shoes that you need. Therefore, the first thing to figure out is what type of shoe you need. Are you purchasing Saucony running shoes for trails, indoor use, outdoor running, or for flat trail running or street running? After you answer that question, you can find the best style of Saucony shoe for you.

So, when you are looking for the best discount Saucony shoes, you have to know where to shop, so that you can find the pair you are looking for, the type of shoes you are looking for, and the lowest cost for these shoes. It can be difficult to find the price you want and the style you want at any old store. Unfortunately, most discount stores only carry one size or one color or even worse, one style. The best (and most time saving) advice that I can give you is to find a store that offers regular discounts and also specializes in running. Try doing a search for “discount Saucony running shoes” and see what comes up.

I hope that you find that your new Saucony running shoes are the best pair of running shoes you have ever worn. With thicker insoles, rubber springs, and foot conforming features, your new Saucony shoes are going to get you on any trail, and allow you to get the best times no matter where you are running, or who you are running against.


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Severed Feet Last Longer in Athletic Shoes

Since August 2007, Canadian police have been making strange shoreline discoveries. Canada’s Pacific shore has been marred by an abundance of severed feet in athletic shoes. For example, in 2009 a severed foot in a white Nike running shoe, size 8.5, was discovered by two men walking on the beach in a suburb of Vancouver.

One foot has been identified as belonging to a missing man who was known to have been depressed. Two feet belonged to a woman missing since 2004. Many other feet have had their DNA tested, yet no matches have been made.

The police seem to believe that there is no evidence to support foul play. They believe that the limbs disarticulated “through a natural process.” However, it is relatively difficult to believe that these legs and feet could have naturally separated from their respective bodies; especially when some of the identified feet belong to people who were reported missing.

Yesterday, August 31, 2011, another human leg in a running shoe was found in British Columbia. This is the eleventh severed foot to have washed up in the Pacific Northwest since 2007.

So, why are all of these feet washing up in athletic shoes? According to scientists, the feet could have been in the water for years, drifting thousands of kilometers, because the athletic shoes protect them so well. The durable athletic shoes will keep the feet from decomposing while the rest of the leg may be worn away by the elements or nibbled away by marine life.

It’s just one more reason to buy good athletic shoes. If your feet do happen to naturally separate from your body and find their way into the Pacific Ocean, at least they won’t get eaten by marine animals.

Top 10 Female Hollywood Stars with Best Abs

We admit it; this was our favorite list to compile. The hardest part was getting it down to just ten. And, we probably forgot some. So let us know who we left off or who you disagree with. We want to hear who has your favorite abs in Hollywood!

Best Celebrity Abs

1. Gwen Stefani
2. Madonna
3. Jessica Biel
4. Jennifer Aniston
5. Kate Beckinsale
6. Anna Paquin
7. Ali Larter
8. Megan Fox
9. Zoe Saldana
10. Halle Berry
11. Jennifer Lopez

Ladies, are you ready to get your abs in great shape? Check out these ab workouts: Best Ab Workout from Shape magazine and Fitness magazine’s Ab Workouts for Every Level.

Top 10 Male Hollywood Stars with Best Abs

Some of the best bodies are in Hollywood. Face it: they have the money, time and personal trainers to get in phenomenal shape. While we mere mortals may not have all of these things, we can still do our best to get there. As always, this list isn’t in any order. Tell us what you think. Do you agree? Disagree? Who did we forget?
Brad Pitt

Best Celebrity Abs

1. Brad Pitt
2. Ryan Phillipe
3. Mark Wahlberg
4. Hugh Jackman – Hugh’s workout plan
5. Ryan Reynolds –  Ryan’s ab workout
6. Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson
7. Tyrese Gibson
8. Will Smith
9. Paul Walker
10. Andy Whitfield
11. Gerard Butler – the 300 Workout
12. Jason Statham

Ready to start working on your own abs? Check out this article about how to get Hollywood abs.